The article reveals that there is no single definition of the concept of "digital economy" in the world science and practice. The multifaceted nature and significance of the social role of the digital economy at the national and international levels contributes to the emergence of a significant number of definitions of the "digital economy", focused on various characteristics and features of this phenomenon. On the basis of generalisation of the theoretical and methodological foundations and interpretations of the concept of "digital economy", the main scientific approaches to understanding its essence, content and main characteristics of the digital economy are outlined: technical and technological; transformational; social (evolutionary). The article improves the scientific provisions on understanding the nature of the digital economy and the logic of disclosing its essence by specifying the interdisciplinary features of identification of this phenomenon. The paper also proposes a hypothesis and provides a justification for the link between the development of institutions and digital technologies, since any changes in institutions cause changes in technologies and vice versa, the progress of technologies causes the need for changes in institutions. The importance and necessity of science-based institutional building of the digital economy is confirmed by numerous international studies that determine the direct relationship between the development of the institutional system and the growth rate of economic indicators. The research paper develops scientific views on the essence, content-forming features and principles of digital economy development. From the perspective of institutional theory, the author offers his own definition of the digital economy as an institutional system of development, production and sale of goods and services based on digital data and technologies, which is formed and developed on the basis of rules and norms (institutions) characteristic of the modern information society. The process of development of the digital economy can be represented as a stage of formation of the institutional environment that ensures the development of the digital economy and is based on advanced information, technological and communication solutions, such as automation and robotisation of production, new data sources, networks, cyber systems.
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