The article is devoted to the structural disproportions that were formed in the process of reforming the economy of Ukraine and led to premature deindustrialization, technical and technological backwardness, and made the country extremely vulnerable to external threats. The extremely important importance of the structure of the economy and sectoral proportions for the sustainable development of the country both in peacetime and in wartime is shown. The economic development of Ukraine during the peace period is characterized as unstable and permanently in crisis. Economic crises were caused by internal and external factors, political instability. The reduction in GDP was deeper compared to the countries of Eastern Europe, and the recovery economic growth was based on government support for export-oriented industries and was of an unstable nature. At the same time, there was a deformation of the structure of the economy towards the dominance of raw materials and primary processing activities. Military aggression of the Russian Federation against sovereign Ukraine, active hostilities, large-scale destruction of production capital and infrastructure further exposed sectoral disparities in the economic structure. It was established that in the structure of Ukraine's GDP the largest share is occupied by the tertiary sector, which generally corresponds to the global trend of tertiarization. It is emphasized that the real tertiaryization takes place in industrialized countries, and the excessive growth of the service sector in countries with a transformational economy, such as Ukraine, carries the threat of premature deindustrialization. It was noted that the secondary sector of the economy of Ukraine shows a tendency to decrease in the structure of GDP, and in 2022 it experienced the largest decrease due to a drop in the volume of industrial production by 30.6%. The structural disproportions in the technological structure, exports and imports of Ukraine, which were especially evident during the war, are highlighted. Attention is drawn to the fact that post-war recovery should not be carried out by prolonging pre-war approaches to managing the structure of the economy. It is substantiated that the post-war recovery of Ukraine's economy should be considered as a "window of opportunity" for structural modernization and development of a modern industrial and technological country.
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