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digital economy
digital transformation
digital technologies

How to Cite

Tomareva-Patlahova, V., & Semenov, A. (2023). INTEGRATION OF SECTORS OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY INTO THE DIGITAL ECONOMY: PRIORITIES AND CHALLENGES. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (39), 208-213.


In the last decade, the digital economy has become the cornerstone of scientific research by researchers, social disputes, and practical implementations. The involvement of economic sectors in digital transformation remains little studied. This issue looks important from the practical task of understanding the need for assistance in digitalization of a specific branch of the national economy. The purpose of the article was to determine the involvement of sectors of the national economy in the growth of the digital economy. The analysis shows the uneven involvement of industries in the digital economy. Insufficient supply of qualified personnel, long-term lack of a targeted innovation strategy of Ukraine, inconsistency of the level of technological development of Ukraine with world technologies and achievements, inefficient production structure delay the processes of digital transformation in every branch of the Ukrainian economy. At the same time, specific problems of delayed development in the direction of the digital economy are observed in certain industries. In most of society, there is no misunderstanding about the importance, necessity and demand of the digital economy. But, along with the obstacles on the evolutionary path of the digital economy, negative factors of its development and spread have been noted and in most cases predicted: a decrease in the labor market for some sub-sectors of the national economy; the disappearance of a number of specialties from the labor market; the spread of pirated software in all industries; copyright infringement; orientation of manufacturers of digital products to the foreign market; narrowing of the receipt of income from digital services for our country. The leading industries that are becoming key in the growth of the digital economy have been identified: processing industry, namely machine building, aircraft construction, shipbuilding and space sub-sectors, aviation, sea transportation, food production; agricultural production; education; construction. It is the above-mentioned areas that need help in digitalization and will lead to the growth of the digital economy of the national economy of Ukraine.
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