The article substantiates a methodical approach to neutralizing of the crisis competitiveness of enterprises of the processing industry. It has been proven that the competitiveness of the enterprises of processing industry is determined by the ability of agricultural production entities included in their integral economic system to increase the volume of raw materials in the face of constant destructive market fluctuations. The conditions for the emergence of quasi-crisis pressure on the level of competitiveness of the enterprises of processing industry have been determined. Risk-oriented tools for neutralization of threats at enterprises of the processing industry are considered. A comprehensive diagnosis of the competitiveness crisis in the economic system of the enterprises of processing industry was carried out in order to timely identify threats to their economic development in conditions of uncertainty of the macro- and micro-environment. A model of qualitative and quantitative risk assessment of agricultural production entities and their impact on the level of competitiveness in the economic system of the enterprises of processing industry is presented. An indicative approach to the diagnosis of the competitiveness crisis with the definition of risk-oriented tools for its neutralization in the economic system of the enterprises of processing industry is substantiated. A situational matrix of neutralization of the competitiveness crisis in the economic system of enterprises of the processing industry has been developed for various probable variants of its occurrence. The methodology for assessing the density of the relationship between profit (loss) and various levels of the crisis of competitiveness of the enterprises of processing industry is substantiated. Directions for the unification of the crisis of competitiveness of enterprises of the processing industry in the conditions of uncertainty of the macro- and microenvironment of Ukraine are proposed. The functional dependence of indicators of economic activity of the enterprises of processing industry on the risks of subjects of agricultural production has been determined. The factors of change in the indicators of the effective activity of the enterprises of processing industry during the neutralization of the competitiveness crisis have been established.
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