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construction enterprise
digital economy

How to Cite

Khalina, V., & Abelentsev, E. (2023). CONTEXT OF URBAN DIGITAL ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT TRANSPARENCY OF CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES IN THE. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (39), 229-236.


The development of the digital economy in Ukraine is gaining momentum and leads to the facilitation of many processes in society and economic activity. At the same time, thanks to digitalization, the activities of economic entities, state authorities, state enterprises and organizations become transparent and accountable to the public, the international community and partners who today provide assistance to our country in connection with the destruction caused by the aggressor with his hostile invasion of the territory of our country in February 2022. In this study, it was determined exactly how digitalization is developing in Ukraine through the analysis of the digital transformation index in a regional section, which revealed some inhibition of the processes in those regions that suffered the greatest hostile influence due to hostilities and destruction. The article also presents the regional distribution of the number of destroyed or damaged housing objects. It was revealed that Donetsk, Luhansk, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhya and Chernihiv suffered the greatest destruction. Financing of the reconstruction will be carried out from various sources, including with the help of international partners. It was found that all processes require maximum transparency in the development of funds and their targeted direction. The concept of transparency of construction enterprises in the conditions of the development of the digital economy of the city presented in the article reflects three zones of openness of information: the transparency zone (consists of two state portals of digital systems of restoration and construction, information of the enterprise itself, the openness of which contributes to the emergence of the effect of transparency, i.e. dependence, in which through transparency forms the image of the enterprise, and as a result, the trust of stakeholders in the activities of the business entity), the gray zone (commercial espionage, means of unfair competition, technical violations in the system) and the zone of closed information (commercial secrecy, competitive advantages, restrictions on the dissemination of information by law) , personal data). The impact of these zones on each other and on the company's activities is described in the article.
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