The effectiveness of modern enterprises is achieved through well-organized management. In the conditions of war and growing competition, enterprise management has to constantly improve and renew its business. The development and widespread use of computer technology helps to solve the problem of effective use of powerful, conceptual, mathematical and technical tools, which allows to optimize the system of business processes of the enterprise, and this is the reengineering of business processes. Reengineering is a decisive and fundamental restructuring of the foundations of the management organization in order to achieve improvement in the performance indicators of the enterprise. For the effective implementation of reengineering, it is necessary to discard everything existing in the management of the enterprise's economic activity, to think about new opportunities for strengthening and developing the business, due to the reengineering of labor potential and business processes at the enterprise. The article highlights the components of the labor potential of business structures, analyzes the effective and sustainable operation of the enterprise in order to prevent losses. The author conducted a remediation audit to determine the current financial situation, as well as the possibility of remediation as one of the elements of anti-crisis management. Taking into account the specified indicators, it can be concluded that the company is not on the verge of bankruptcy. The author considered the structure of measures of anti-crisis management of the enterprise and determined the possibilities of their application, as well as made a recalculation of indicators taking into account anti-crisis measures to redistribute funds. An important direction for long-term improvement of performance indicators is the use of business process reengineering at the enterprise. Within the scope of using the advantages of reengineering to reform the company's activities, the author proposed to develop a new sphere of interaction between managers, buyers and production, by forming a unified database. The author proved that by directing the additional resources involved to expand the list of fixed assets at the disposal of the enterprise, the enterprise will be able to significantly increase the volume of sales of products, which in the future will positively affect its financial condition.
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Сorporete Crisis Mеnegement. Center for Chemical Process Safety of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, (2005), New York, USA, 31 p.
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Treaty establishing the European stability mechanism, available at: http://www.efsf.europa.eu/attachments/esm_treaty_en.pdf