The need to improve the existing enterprise development strategy is due to constant changes in the environment, both in terms of transforming the activities of competing organisations and reforming the country's economy as a whole. The problem of strategic planning of construction and manufacturing enterprises in the current war conditions is especially important. Creating an effective development strategy will help to increase the organisation's own competitiveness, maintain existing and gain fundamentally new market positions, increase overall economic performance, ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise in the long term, etc. The strategy of each company is unique, and generally accepted methods are subject to individual development, which focuses on the specifics of the construction business and, as a result, the effective implementation of the necessary changes. Therefore, today, special attention should be paid to the development and improvement of methodological and methodological foundations for the development of strategic planning. The article considers peculiarities of theoretical foundations of formation of strategies of a construction and production enterprise. The author considers the process of development of strategic planning. It studies importance of key elements of strategic management in formation and realisation of the general strategy. The main stages of the development strategy at construction enterprises are elaborated. The importance of proper functioning of internal business processes and improvement of communication between individual departments of a company for creation and implementation of an effective development strategy of a construction and production enterprise is substantiated. The choice of the right strategy should take into account the prospects for the development of all areas of the construction industry, be flexible to changes in the activities of competing organisations, adhere to the main principles of the company, the correct distribution of internal and external resources, and adapt to the environment in terms of maintaining and improving the key performance indicators of the enterprise.
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