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marketing strategy
external marketing environment
internal marketing environment
educational institution
information crisis

How to Cite

Mykhailova, Y., Savina, N., & Tyvonchuk, P. (2024). MARKETING ENVIRONMENT OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS DURING INFORMATION CRISIS. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (41), 61-65.


This study is aimed to describe a modern marketing environment in educational institutions, with the consideration of a wide range of factors affecting their activities. Among these factors, special attention is paid to economic stability, socio-cultural trends, rapid technological change and legislative regulation. The study identifies the key challenges facing educational institutions in today's world and examines the possibilities of implementing innovative marketing strategies to increase their competitiveness. The study also focuses on the analysis of the external and internal marketing environment of the educational institution. The external environment encompasses the influence of economic conditions, socio-cultural trends, technological innovations and regulatory policies that determine competitive conditions and market demands. The internal environment describes the internal potential and resources of the institution, such as innovative culture, scientific research potential, technical infrastructure and the effectiveness of management processes, which affect its ability to adapt and compete. The study is based on a complex analysis that includes several methods: analysis of sectional reports, study of scientometric indicators and literature review. Such an approach allows for a deeper understanding of the impact of these factors on strategic decisions and the development of marketing in educational institutions. Special attention is paid to innovative approaches in the use of digital technologies and social media to attract and retain an audience. Digital tools contribute to the improvement of communication and create opportunities for personalization of educational services, which increases customer satisfaction and contributes to the formation of a positive image of the institution. The analysis shows that the effective use of marketing strategies in educational institutions requires to consider all the mentioned factors for the successful formation of competitive advantages and ensuring sustainable development. The conclusions of the proposed study emphasize the need of adaptation to changes in the external environment through the implementation of innovative marketing approaches and support of internal potential to increase the competitiveness of the educational institution.
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Dhupia Bhawna, Alameen Abdalla. (2019) Adaptive eLearning System: Conceptual Framework for Personalized Study Environment. Advanced Informatics for Computing Research. pp 334–342 DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-0108-1_31.

Finch D., Nadeau J., O’Reilly N. (2013) The Future of Marketing Education: A Practitioner’s Perspective. Journal of Marketing Education 35(1). P.54–67 DOI: 10.1177/0273475312465091

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Shanahan, D. E., Palmer, L. H., & Salas, J.(2021) Achieving Scaled and Sustained Use of Client-Based Projects in Business School Marketing Education: A Proposed Suprastructure. Journal of Marketing Education, 43(1), pp. 59-74. DOI: