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migration policy
migration processes
international migration
challenges and imperatives
migration regulation
military actions

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The article analyzes the processes of intensification of migration (external – conditional refugees and internal – forced internally displaced persons) of the population of Ukraine in the conditions of a full-scale war and their negative consequences for the socio-humanitarian and demographic, as well as for the economic sphere of the country. It is shown that these processes conditioned the strengthening of the existing ones and led to the development of a whole series of new challenges and threats to the level of national security of Ukraine, such as the emergence of demographic gaps, the death of entire generations, the destruction of families, the loss of normal conditions for living and working, homes, the expansion of the share of socially vulnerable categories of the population, the deepening of labor market deformations and thus the suppression of business. Nevertheless, such negative consequences of the critical scale of population migration for the national economy of Ukraine are already being felt, such as the destabilization of the domestic market, a decrease in the volume of domestic solvent demand, bankruptcy of businesses and a decrease in the volume of domestic production and GDP. It is shown that at the beginning of the war, more than 10% of its population left Ukraine, and about 20% of the country's citizens became internally displaced persons. The purpose of the article is to identify the challenges and substantiate the imperatives of inhibiting migration losses and effective regulation of migration processes in Ukraine in wartime conditions. The imperatives of the state policy of inhibiting migration losses of the population of Ukraine in the conditions of a full-scale war have been determined, which include: improving the quality of life of the population; economic growth, development of the labor market and increase in the supply of competitive jobs; increasing the level of proactivity and improving the state youth policy; stimulating the development of entrepreneurship; improvement of social and housing policy; overcoming excessive differentiations and disproportions in the socio-economic development of territories, in particular remote, rural, depressed, etc.
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