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competitive strategies
strategic alternatives
model of competitive strategies choice
hotel enterprises
strategic directions

How to Cite

MizyukВ. M. (2018). COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES OF HOTEL ENTERPRISES. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (23), 125-129.


The principle of alternativeness in solving problems of development and competitive behavior is determined. The specificity and necessity of using a certain competitive strategy, determined by the ratio between the number of competitive advantages of hotel enterprises and their competitiveness level, are considered. The decomposition scheme of the process of substantiation of strategic alternatives in the competitive strategies development is proposed. The model of the choice of optimal competitive strategies for hotel enterprises is developed and substantiated. It is proved that without a well-elaborated strategy and carefully calculated means of its development, the hotel enterprises can not perform their work perfectly as well as receive the expected results. Further research should be focused at introducing into the practice of both hotel enterprises and other institutions of the hospitality industry a strategic model for choosing their competitive strategies.
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