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animation activity
animation services
tourist activity
tourist product
tourist enterprises
hospitality industry

How to Cite

Tuchkovska, I. I. (2018). FEATURES OF THE ANIMATION ACTIVITY ORGANIZATION IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (23), 155-159. https://doi.org/10.36477/2522-1256-2018-23-26


In the article the peculiarities of the animation activity organization are considered, the range of basic concepts is defined as well as the aspects that determine the growth of the role of this type of activity for attracting tourists are revealed. The functions and directions of animation activity are proposed and grounded, as well as the possibilities of introducing animation programs into the practice of tourist activity with using the foreign experience. The main features of the animation program are outlined and the new one offered for the "Limak Lara Deluxe Hotel & Resort". The components of the model of a tourist animation specialist as well as methods in the process of training of tourists' leisure organizers are determined. Further research should be aimed at the development of innovative methods for animation programs that will generally provide animation activities in the Ukrainian hospitality industry.

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