The article deals with the issues of the transformation of state administration into public administration. The structure and content of public administration are defined. The subject and object of public administration are investigated. The mechanism of public administration improvement, which takes into account the growing role of the public as the main factor in the sustainable development of socio-economic systems, is proposed. One of the key points of modern management concepts – decentralization, is considered. The introduction of new managerial tools under modernization conditions for the formation of the national system of public administration is proposed. It is proved that improvement of public administration will promote social well-being, increase the level and quality of life of the population, solve urgent socio-economic problems. Effective management of social and economic processes and ensuring their balance is possible only if an effective system of public administration is formed. The definition of the strategic goal, the principles and criteria for the effectiveness of such a system should be based on a fundamentally new paradigm, in the core of it is the personality and the quality of her life. The ways of improving the efficiency of public administration in Ukraine are formulated and substantiated.
Концепція реформування публічної адмініст-рації в Україні [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : http://www.pravo.org.ua/files/stat/Concept_public_administration.pdf.
Молошна О. Л. Особливості формування державно-службових відносин в умовах становлен-ня системи публічного адміністрування в Україні [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : http://www.dridu.dp.ua/vidavnictvo/2009/2009-02(2)/Moloshna, %20Bashtannyk.pdf.
Гаврилишин: не вірю, що люди, які тепер при владі, поправлять стан України [Електронний ре-сурс]. – Режим доступу : https:// hromadskeradio.org/programs/kyiv-donbas/gavrylyshyn-ne-viryu-shcho-lyudy-yaki -teper-pry-vladipopravlyat-stan-ukrayiny.
Центр адаптації державної служби до стан-дартів Європейського Союзу. Нова державна служ-ба: європейська модель належного управління для України [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : http://www.center.gov.ua/pres-tsentr/materiali/item/1873.
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Chandler J. A. Local government today. Man-chester: Manchester University Press, 2001.
Kontseptsiia reformuvannia publichnoi admin-istratsii v Ukraini, available at: http://www.pravo.org.ua/files/stat/Concept_public_administration.pdf.
Moloshna, O. L. Osoblyvosti formuvannia derzhavno-sluzhbovykh vidnosyn v umovakh stanovlennia systemy publichnoho administruvannia v Ukraini, available at: http://www.dridu.dp.ua/vidavnic-tvo/2009/2009-02(2)/Moloshna,%20Bashtannyk.pdf.
Havrylyshyn: ne viriu, scho liudy, iaki teper pry vladi, popravliat' stan Ukrainy, available at: https://hromadskeradio.org/programs/kyiv-donbas/gavrylyshyn-ne-viryu-shcho-lyudy-yaki-teper-pry-vladipopravlyat-stan-ukrayiny.
Tsentr adaptatsii derzhavnoi sluzhby do standartiv Yevropejs'koho Soiuzu. Nova derzhavna sluzhba: ievropejs'ka model' nalezhnoho upravlinnia dlia Ukrainy, available at: http://www.center.gov.ua/pres-tsentr/materiali/item/1873.
Garcea J. (eds.). (2008), Local government re-form: a comparative analysis of advanced Anglo-American countries. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Pub-lishing.
Chandler, J. A. (2001), Local government today. Manchester: Manchester University Press.