The purpose of this study is to determine the nature and prospects of stock trading, the definition of its condition and the main global trends, as well as trends in the development of stock trading in Ukraine. To achieve this goal, a range of research objectives was defined, among which: 1) the study of the nature and functional types of stock trading; 2) determining the value of commodity exchanges for the economy; 3) study of the evolution and definition of the global trend of stock trading development; 4) on the basis of the analysis, determine the trends in the development of stock trading in Ukraine. Having studied different approaches to the definition of the essence of exchanges and stock trading, the authors give their generalized definition, which defines the essence of stock trading as the interaction of the commercial nature of the exchange market subjects (determined depending on the specific characteristics of goods, bidders, their location and technical equipment) methods and modern information systems, their networks and technologies. The main factors of efficiency and priority of development of such type of trade as exchange are to meet the needs of new enterprises, which have not yet formed the necessary cooperative ties, in the required quantity of exchange goods and services, ensuring the industry in insurance against losses based on price changes and the number of orders, ensuring additional revenues to the economy due to the formation of highly organized risky speculative markets and much more. Based on a critical analysis of statistical data and other information sources, the authors form the ranking of countries according to the level of development of stock trading. A detailed analysis of world practice of stock trading development has made possible to determine the main vectors of this process in a global scale as well as the development trends in Ukraine.
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