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services marketing
promotion program
principles of services promotion

How to Cite

Semak, B. B., & Basiy, N. F. (2018). INVESTIGATION OF PROMOTION PECULIARITIES IN THE FIELD OF SERVICES MARKETING. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (22), 55-61. Retrieved from


The article deals with the main problems and peculiarities of promotion in the field of services marketing. As a result of the research, it has been determined that, in today's highly competitive services markets, establishing effective communication with target customers, intermediaries, own staff and any other contact audiences is extremely important for ensuring stable and profitable activities of service companies in the long run. Services marketing should be considered as a complex of activities to study the demand for services in a specific market, the development of service or range of services appropriate to the requirements of this market, ensuring the maximum availability of services for target customers, the formation of the price adequate to the purchasing power and establishing effective communication between the service provider and its customers. It was determined that services promotion in the market has a number of differences and specific features compared with the promotion of material goods. The specificity of the services promotion is determined by their non-material nature as goods in the market and the problem of the objective assessment of the services quality. The development of communication strategies by service companies is often accompanied by considerable difficulties, therefore, services promoting is mostly comlicated and more costly than for material goods. The basic principles of services promotion, which should be followed by service companies, are formulated.

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