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commodity exchange information
information activities
insider information
information product
information factor
commodity exchange

How to Cite

Oleksyn, I. I. (2018). TO THE ISSUE OF FORMATION OF THE SYSTEM OF COMMODITY EXCHANGE INFORMATION SHARING. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (22), 108-114. Retrieved from


The theoretical approaches to the formation of commodity exchange information sharing system are considered, which allowed formulating the basic principles of this process. On the basis of the classification of types of commodity exchange information, an analysis of their content was carried out. It is proved that information factors are the consequences of the onset of socio-economic and political events, and their division into general categories has been conducted. The basic functions of the information-analytical department of the commodity exchange in the system of information provision are determined. The types of confidential and insider information are singled out. The types of information for which the commodity exchange is not responsible are highlighted. The essence of manipulation in the commodity exchange market, as actions connected with intentional sharing of knowingly false information, is determined. The order of promulgation and sharing of commodity exchange information, as well as information on the activity of the exchange is specified. The peculiarities of sharing of commodity exchange information on a commercial basis in the form of informational products are substantiated.

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