This article provides an author's interpretation of the definition of innovation as a result of combining intellectual resources and information in the process of extremely economic changes governed by modern economic laws, and, accordingly, the innovative development of the enterprise as driven by current economic laws and innovation theories. Based on a critical analysis of the main provisions of theories of innovation and innovation development, innovation systems and author's approaches to understanding the problem of evaluating the innovative development of socio-economic systems, especially enterprises, the feasibility of cluster analysis Assessment of the level of innovative development of socio-economic systems (regions and industrial innovative enterprises) is carried out on the basis of the method of multidimensional statistical analysis (hierarchical cluster analysis). The following groups of clusters were identified as a result of the study using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software. The first group – with a low level of innovative development of the regions (Zhytomyr, Volyn, Vinnytsia, Ternopil, Khmelnytsk, Rivne regions). The second group of clusters, with significant differences from others, includes the city of Kyiv (with the highest share of industrial enterprises engaged in innovation; the number of employees involved in research and development; the cost of research and development by type of work; the number of industrial enterprises engaged in innovation, the number of names of introduced innovative products, research and development costs (% of Gross Regional Product). A relatively low level of innovative development of socio-economic systems (regions) and its very slow increase, a high degree of divergence of regions in the level of innovative development, the geographical concentration of the lower, first cluster. Emphasis is placed on facilitating the creation of clusters that unite industrial enterprises with vocational (technical) education institutions that will train specialists to work at enterprises and with scientific institutions and higher education institutions that provide scientific and methodological support for the implementation of innovations.
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