Recruitment is the most important element of every business. There are many different traditional methods of recruitment, but many of them are outdated and companies need to move to innovative ones. The main search methods are headhunting, recruiting and screening. Recruitment is the most effective because it helps to select highly qualified employees for any position. But today these methods of recruitment are not quite common in Ukraine, and many companies use outdated methods of recruitment. The author proves the relevance of using non-traditional methods of personnel selection, but taking into account the possibility of self-disclosure of professional assets, which will reduce the risk of conflict in the team, reduce staff turnover and further form an effective vector of personnel policy in the enterprise. Since the development of professional qualities and skills is sometimes possible only through the use of traditional methods, it is also necessary to take them into account when selecting staff. It is determined that the combination of traditional and non-traditional methods will effectively influence the process of forming a personnel selection system, because the combination of these methods reveals both professional and personal qualities of the worker. Also, along with innovative methods of recruitment, companies need to use innovative search methods, namely with the help of chatbots to quickly find workers for companies. Bots can save time not only for recruiters, but also for candidates - according to the statistics of HR-screening companies and the review of a potential employee, the manager takes 60% of the time from the process of selecting a particular candidate. Bots work 24/7 and with more tasks at once, which means that resume screening takes effect after you submit, in real time. Another problem they can solve is "no answer": up to 85% of the resume does not receive any response from the employer. «Search and selection of resumes by keywords can already be given to robotic systems. You can search with bots, but they can be wrong. Accordingly, the assessment of the resume by a living person is more accurate».
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