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sustainable development
environmental Kuznets curve
gross regional product
atmospheric emissions

How to Cite

Bieloborodova, M., Yurchyshyna, L., & Kozynets, A. (2021). POTENTIAL OF ECOTOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE REGIONS OF UKRAINE. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (3), 5-11. https://doi.org/10.36477/tourismhospcee-3-1


It is investigated the potential of ecological tourism in the regions of Ukraine on the basis of testing the ecological curves of Kuznets (ECC), constructed through the ratio of air emissions per square kilometer of region and gross regional product per capita. As an indicator of the tourist potential of the region, the gross value added by such economic activities as art, sports, entertainment and recreation and temporary accommodation and catering (for the period 2005-2018, in the given prices) was chosen. According to the named indicator, Dnipro, Lviv, and Odesa regions were selected as the ones with the highest share of gross value added for these types of economic activity. ECC was also built according to the data on average in Ukraine. An earlier period of the ECC turning point in the region allows us to conclude that the trend towards ecological reorientation of the population is stable. It is proved that ecotourism has prospects for development only after reaching a certain level of gross regional product, which allows the spread of sustainable "green" trends in the field of recreation. According to the results of the research, it was concluded that Dnipro and Lviv regions, as well as Ukraine in general, passed a turning point at the beginning of the second half of theexplored period (2012-2015), and only Odessa region is characterized by the most stable trends in green tourism with the turning point of the ECC in 2009. ECC trends for Lviv region coincide with the average in Ukraine. Peculiarities of the ECC of Dnipro region are due to the higher level of GRP per capita, which reflects the turning point of the ECC (44,650 UAH per capita against the average in Ukraine 32,002 UAH per capita). Accordingly, the existence of social and market preconditions for the active development of ecological tourism in Ukraine and its largest tourist regions has been proved. Prospects for further research are to increase the specification of ECC, through the expansion of the list of emissions of harmful substances, as well as the specification of regional environmental policy in the field of promotion and dissemination of ecotourism.

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