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management analysis
controlling system
hotel and restaurant business
internal control
management accounting

How to Cite

Honchar, L., Poplavska, A., & Aukhimik, O. (2021). MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS OF THE FEATURES OF THE CONTROL SYSTEM IN THE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (3), 12-17.


The article is devoted to the issue of management analysis of the features of the controlling system in the hotel and restaurant business. The analysis of scientific research of the problem of management analysis is carried out and it is determined that the issue of management analysis is insufficiently researched. Based on the analysis, the author's approach to the interpretation of the essence of the concept of "management analysis of the features of the controlling system in the hotel and restaurant business" is proposed. The implementation of management analysis of the features of the controlling system on the example of the regional enterprise in the hotel and restaurant business, which allowed to identify key aspects of management analysis at the enterprise in the service sector. The information base on the basis of which the internal control in the hotel and restaurant business is carried out is allocated, which is the basis for the implementation of internal control at the enterprise in the field of hospitality. It is determined that internal control is divided into documentary and factual and each of them is analyzed separately. The degree of automation of business processes separately in a restaurant and a hotel in the activity of a regional enterprise in the field of hospitality is analyzed. Management accounting as an element of management analysis is considered and its organization within the enterprise is analyzed. The organizational form of management of the regional enterprise of hotel and restaurant business is defined. The accounting of the enterprise is considered and the tax liabilities of the management of the enterprise are determined. The necessity of application of compliance at the enterprises of the service sphere is noted. The application of compliance control is analyzed on the example of a regional enterprise, on the basis of which it is determined that REAM (Real Estate Asset Management), reputational and health types of compliance management take place in the operation of the enterprise. It is established that to achieve increased efficiency of the enterprise, it is necessary to apply all elements of management analysis in the complex.
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