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anti-crisis management
tourism industry

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Perehuda, Y. (2021). ANTI-CRISIS MANAGEMENT IN THE TOURIST INDUSTRY. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (3), 33-38.


The article analyzes the theoretical basis of crisis management of the tourism industry in the face of uncertainties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The author emphasizes that the most vulnerable area is mass urban tourism, which in 2020 will suffer increasing losses due to anti-pandemic measures of the international community and the governments of several countries. According to the results of the study, the need for the formation and implementation of an effective crisis management system is a key issue for entrepreneurship. It is determined that the implementation of anti-crisis strategy to diversify the company's activities, which involves the interaction of various methods, tools and management technologies, while ensuring coordination, coordination of management functions and minimizing losses of the enterprise. The main tools of anti-crisis management of the financial component of the enterprise are identified: business planning, leasing, franchising, budgeting, strategic and road maps, innovative sales models and controlling. The relevance of the application of these management tools is explained by the changing goals and objectives of financial managers. The global nature of economic instability at the present stage, the threats and opportunities it creates, require changes in the nature of crisis management and tools for developing and implementing its strategy. In the current practice of crisis management, priority is often given to mechanisms and tools for immediate response, which eliminate and mitigate the negative effects of the crisis, but do not create conditions for development. The peculiarities of crisis processes require the use of new tools to develop and implement a crisis management strategy that can prevent and mitigate not only the negative effects of the crisis, but also use their capabilities for the operation of the enterprise after the crisis. The article establishes that the substantiation of the choice of anti-crisis strategy of diversification of the enterprise and its development involves taking into account interdependent, divergent external and internal factors and stages of the life cycle of the enterprise.
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