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Sumy region
authentic recipe
culinary traditions
regional dishes
culinary brand

How to Cite

StepanovaТ., & HelikhА. (2021). FORMATION OF CULINARY BRAND OF SUMY AS A COMPONENT OF THE REGION HOSPITALITY. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (3), 44-48.


The article is devoted to increasing the tourist attractiveness of the Sumy region thanks to culinary brands. This is relevant for increasing the competitiveness of hospitality enterprises. The tourist potential of Sumy region is investigated in the article. The article focuses on favorable climatic conditions, ecological pollution, historical and cultural heritage form the tourist attraction of Sumy region. The article identifies favorable factors for the development of sports, some types of special tourism. The positive impact of these factors on the economic growth of the region is also predicted. Current issues of ensuring timely and quality nutrition of consumers of tourist services are identified in this article. The gastronomic potential of the towns in Sumy region was analyzed. The prospect of creating culinary brands and implementing them in hospitality facilities was mentioned. This is promising in attracting a wider range of consumers. The influence on the growth of leading positions in the field of hospitality of dishes according to authentic recipes and their introduction in restaurants was noted. The use of regional dishes in the menu is favorable for increasing the competitiveness of accommodation facilities. The role of gastronomic festivals in expanding the range of consumers of restaurant services focused on the consumption of culinary heritage of Sumy region is outlined. The analysis of existing regional dishes in restaurants of Ukraine is carried out. The article analyzes the historical and cultural potential of Sumy region. It also describes the features of food products in certain areas and possible ways to increase their culinary appeal. The authors of the article identify further prospects for the development of culinary branding through the development of new areas. This is actively implemented in some towns of Sumy region. Thereby, the positive trends in the dynamic development of the hospitality industry through the introduction of culinary innovations in the regional direction will have a positive impact on economic growth in the region.
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