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restaurant business
quality assessment
development trends

How to Cite

Turchynyak, M., & Foris, O. (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF RESTAURANT ENTERPRISES IN THE WESTERN REGION OF UKRAINE. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (3), 68-73.


The article considers the current trends in the development of the restaurant industry in the Western region of Ukraine, in particular the new formats of institutions that are used to maintain regular and attract new customers. The actual problems concerning application of modern tendencies of development of restaurant economy are analyzed. The services provided by the restaurant industry of Ternopil to attract a large number of customers, which allows to increase sales of products, increase the profitability of the enterprise, its competitiveness. Quarantine restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic have had an extremely negative impact on the development of Ukrainian enterprises, including the restaurant business. The current situation in the services market is forcing restaurant companies to develop new mechanisms for maintaining and developing their business, adapting to new environmental conditions. On the basis of the analysis the peculiarities and substantiated prospects of enterprise development are determined. The main indicators were evaluated, namely: the number of restaurant enterprises, the number of places in the restaurant facilities, the provision of the population with seats in the restaurant facilities. Lviv region has the highest development of the restaurant industry, moderate development of the restaurant industry should be noted in Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. These areas are favorable for attracting investment in the development of the industry, are characterized by an average level of provision of the population with restaurants. Chernivtsi and Zakarpattia oblasts have a low level of food security. The reasons that hinder the development of restaurant facilities and innovative approaches to retain regular visitors, attract new ones in a competitive environment are identified. The article proves that the introduction of innovations provides restaurants with competitive advantages. The tendencies leading to the emergence of new types of restaurant organization are listed.
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