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geopolitical risks
political instability
global tourist flows
Ukrainian-Russian interstate relations

How to Cite

Bashchak, M. (2022). INFLUENCE OF GEOPOLITICAL INSTABILITY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (5), 5-12.


The article highlights the factors of geopolitical instability that affect the development of international tourism. The potential of world tourist flows as a geopolitical factor of influence, the structure of which reflects and influences the trends of international interactions, is highlighted and characterized. The main geopolitical factors that directly affect the dynamics and distribution of tourist flows are revealed. Among them are political coups, terrorist acts, and military conflicts. The countries and regions that, according to experts from the Institute for Conflict Research, are involved in confrontation and global conflicts in 2022 are highlighted. The main indices are considered, which reflect the level of security and threats in different countries of the world on the basis of indices of peace, terrorism and incapacity of the state and highlight statistics on the political situation in different countries and regions of the world. Named the safest and most dangerous tourist destinations. The general tendencies of development of international tourism, role and place of Ukraine in the international tourist market are characterized. The share of tourism potential of Ukraine and Russia in the international tourism market has been clarified. It is emphasized that the military-political aggression on the part of Russia and the aggravation of Ukrainian-Russian interstate relations has a serious economic impact and may become a problem for consolidating the resumption of tourism. The tourist flow in Ukraine for the period 2009-2020 is considered. Let's highlights the main factors that affect the tourist demand of inbound tourism and limit outbound tourism during a military conflict. It was found that the current dynamics of tourist flow in Ukraine is characterized by a sharp decrease in international visitors, declining rates of tourism development and reformatting the structure of inbound and outbound tourist flow. It is concluded that the geopolitical aspect is very important in the functioning of the tourism industry, and geopolitical instability changes the tourism market, which can serve as an additional opportunity for tourism development.
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