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hospitality industry

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НarbarZ., & Gontaruk, Y. (2022). MARKETING INNOVATIONS IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY OF UKRAINE. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (5), 36-44.


It is determined that the devaluation of the national currency, military action, declining incomes today do not allow consumers to focus on the services of the hospitality industry in the CIS and abroad. The development of the hospitality industry in Ukraine is studied. There has been a decline in the number of foreign and domestic tourists due to the deteriorating socio-economic environment in the country. Considering the role of tourism in the development of regional and national economy, it is proved that this industry today is one of the leading and those that may have the most dynamic development among the sectors of the economy. Due to the rapid growth of tourism in the world is recognized as an economic phenomenon of the century. Tourism has a major impact on key sectors of the economy, including transport, communications, construction and agriculture. The effectiveness of the innovative approach in the hospitality industry, namely the creation of recreation and tourism complexes on the basis of public-private partnership is proved. The main directions of marketing development of innovations in the hospitality industry are determined: provision of affordable services for accommodation of tourists (possibility of self-cooking in rooms, minimalist style of rooms, etc.); formation of excursion tours at affordable prices (creation of tourist routes in the adjacent territories to the places of accommodation); creation of recreation complexes in rural areas in order to save on rent, wages, etc.); conducting marketing campaigns to promote services on social networks in order to save money on promoting services); development of cooperation with local communities in order to attract investors in the reconstruction of monuments to the architect, which in the future can be used as a place of residence or tourist tours; formation of recreation complexes with a full list of services (accommodation, excursions, SPA services, "green tourism", etc.). The proposed directions of development of marketing innovations will give impetus to the development of the hospitality industry of Ukraine, provide potential consumers with quality and affordable services, as well as create additional jobs in local communities and reconstruct abandoned architectural monuments.
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