The article examines the possibility of introducing the concept of responsibility centers at the enterprises of the hotel and restaurant business as instruments of structural influence on the management personnel of different hierarchical levels in the management system. The article provides a comparative analysis of the interpretation of the term "personnel management" in domestic and foreign professional literature. Based on the analysis and generalization of domestic and foreign experience, the expediency of classifying the methodological tools in the field of personnel management into two groups is substantiated: direct (interactive) and indirect (structural) impact tools. It has been established that one of the key tools of structural personnel management is the organizational construction of the management system and the system of incentives and motivation of personnel closely related to it. Approaches to building the organizational structures of a functional and divisional type are studied, taking into account the features and specifics of the activities of enterprises in the hotel and restaurant business. The author's model of a functional and divisional organizational structure is presented, as well as the corresponding author's concepts of responsibility centers for these types of organizational structures. It is substantiated that from the point of view of stimulating the effective work of the management of the lower hierarchical levels, the divisional organizational structure and formed on its basis the profit/investment centers of the divisional level, have an unconditional advantage over the functional organizational structure, since the division manager receives the authority to influence the entire range of monetary indicators (functional expenses and income), which shape the integral result of activity in the form of profit. It is proved that the formation of a variable component of remuneration for the management of responsibility centers of the 2nd hierarchical level based on the indicator of divisional income makes it possible to optimally link the efficiency of their work and the level of their monetary remuneration.
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