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medical and health tourism
medical tourism
health tourism
sanatorium tourism
spa tourism
wellness tourism

How to Cite

Shchuka, H., Kovalska, L., & Halkiv, L. (2022). DETERMINATION OF THE CONTENT AND STRUCTURE OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH TOURISM. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (5), 91-97.


The article presents the author's scientific view on the essence of health tourism and its structure. The study is based on the fact that one of the tendencies in the global tourism market is the rapid increase in the number of trips for medical and health purposes. The factors that determined this phenomenon are objective. They include globalization, urbanization, increasing the number of elderly people, spreading the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle, increasing the solvency of the population, and others. In the coming decades, the need for medical and health services will grow, which raises the issue of staffing. In Ukraine, the market of health tourism is in the process of formation: sanatorium tourism is declining, the development of medical, spa and wellness tourism is constrained by the lack of legal support, their boundaries are blurred; terminological uncertainty prevails. This makes the educational process complicated, especially in specializations of medical and health tourism. A thorough analysis of the scientific achievements of foreign and national scientists showed that the main discussions arise about: 1) the framework of health tourism: it is limited to health services (considered in the narrow sense), or combines medical, health and wellness services (considered in a broad sense); 2) its structures - there are two (medical and health) or three (medical-health in addition) subtypes; 3) the place of medical and health tourism in relation to medical, rehabilitation, recreational, spa and wellness tourism. Substantiation of the author's position is the following. Based on the analysis of current regulations, the legally established difference between medical and health services is determined. In the first case, the activity takes place in two sectors: medicine and tourism, and requires the issuance of appropriate permits. In the second case it takes place only in the sphere of tourism. Based on this, all services that are in one way or another related to the health care system and which the tourist plans to receive during the trip, are considered as components of medical tourism, which, in turn, is a subtype of health tourism (in its general meaning).
PDF (Українська)


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