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Lviv region
gastronomic tourism
regional dishes
restaurant brand

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Paska, M. (2022). INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF GASTRONOMY TOURISM OF LVIV REGION IN THE CONTEXT OF FORMATION OF RESTAURANT BRANDS. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (5), 98-103.


The article explores the tourist potential of Lviv region. Considerable attention is paid to the main elements of the group of factors that are the possibilities of organizing gastronomic tourism in the context of the formation of restaurant brands. influence on the choice of tour. The significant influence of the region's culinary heritage in restaurants on the revival of dishes according to authentic recipes and their introduction for restaurant brands of modern infrastructure, farms with local food products of local producers, gastronomic events and annual festivals. Based on the analysis, the features and substantiated prospects for the development of restaurant brands are determined. An important innovative direction in the development of gastronomic tourism in the region is the development of local farms that not only produce traditional and environmentally friendly agricultural products, but also offer visitors tours, tastings, and form new restaurant locations with local cuisine. The specifics of the use of local cuisine, individual stages of technology, in order to promote in the tourism sector are considered. Emphasis is placed on the importance of taking into account the taste preferences of the guest and including their considerations in the formation of a promising innovative plan for the hospitality industry. The potential of restaurants was analyzed, as well as some segments of those that specialize in national and ethnic cuisine (Kumpel, "Hungry Nicholas", "Bachevsky Restaurant", "Underground Kindrat", "Refectory of Ideas", "Under the Golden Rose"), "Boykivska Hostina", "Yerevan", etc.). The analysis of the existing tendencies of preparation and realization of regional dishes for preservation of gastronomic culture of the region is carried out. It has been determined that they are favorable for the development of tourism: there is an expansion of networks, namely restaurants of Galician cuisine, which will allow to attract tourists more effectively.
PDF (Українська)


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