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restaurant management

How to Cite

Danylenko, O. (2022). FEATURES AND DEBATABLE ASPECTS OF THE CONCEPT OF EVENT IN THE RESTAURANT INDUSTRY . Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (6), 12-18. https://doi.org/10.32782/tourismhospcee-6-2


The article analyzes the development of the concept of events as one of the priority areas of development in the activity of restaurants. The essence of the concept of events, their key classification features and the specifics of events in the restaurant business are considered. The impact of quarantine measures and the lockdown caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, its impact on the development of the industry, is separately considered. The main result of which was a decrease in the average check in establishments, a decrease in the number of new and regular visitors, and an attempt by businesses to "wait out" the period with the hope of returning to normal life. As a result, some entrepreneurs do not take any actions for effective business development, while others look for ways to save business and find new ones, not forgetting to maintain the loyalty of regular customers. One of these directions is the holding of events in the restaurant business as a way of getting customers through purposeful emotional events. Events are more and more often included in the process of functioning of enterprises, contributing to brand recognition and product promotion. The analysis of modern events made it possible to reveal their complexity, complexity, multifacetedness and significance, which is definitely an important step for the development of a modern enterprise in the hospitality industry. In view of this, it is necessary to study the event market, to determine the main classifications of events. The goal of event management in catering establishments is to attract and retain customers and, as a result, to obtain more profit. Event management, as a combination of socio-cultural and economic phenomena in the activity of a restaurant business, has significant organizational and managerial potential than ordinary advertising activity or traditional management. It is the potential of event management that can become an effective tool in the activity of a restaurant business. Event management is one of the most important tools of public relations, which is aimed at obtaining not a one-time effect, but a long-term process in shaping the image of the enterprise, its impact on public interests and needs. Event management means transforming the event with the help of auxiliary effects into something absolutely exceptional from the point of view of visitors.

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