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land use planning
land resource management
spatial (territorial) planning
perspectives of land use planning

How to Cite

LazarievaО., Mas, A., & Borysevych, K. (2022). FEATURES OF LAND USE PLANNING IN THE LAND RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES AND POSSIBILITIES OF THEIR APPLICATION IN UKRAINE. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (6), 24-32. https://doi.org/10.32782/tourismhospcee-6-4


The article highlights the peculiarities of the land use planning system in the countries of the European Union. It has been established that in the EU such forms of land use planning and protection are distinguished as spatial (territorial), urban and landscape land use. The experience of the specifics of planning the land use system of such European countries as the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, France, Spain, Italy, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, Finland, Holland, Denmark was studied. It is assumed that the experience of the European Union on land management and land use planning should be taken over by Ukrainian specialists. The normative legal acts governing territorial planning and urban planning are analyzed. The legislative framework regarding the planning of land use, such as the laws of Ukraine "On the General Scheme of Planning of the Territory of Ukraine", "On Regulation of Urban Planning Activity", "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Land Planning" has been studied. It is assumed that land use planning should, based on the assessment and directions of use of production resources, create a basis for making perspective decisions regarding the development of a specific territory. It was concluded that the main key priorities for substantiating the prospects of land use planning are the possibility of consolidating land plots, increasing productivity, revising state support programs for disturbed and destroyed territories, promoting mortgage lending and access of small owners to credit resources, providing land plots for development, taking into account the rules of urban planning, land use planning at the local level, provision of openness of information about land use planning at all levels, full restoration of the work of the State Land Cadastre bodies, unifying the efforts of central executive bodies and their territorial subdivisions, publicizing information by local administrative subdivisions in the format of open data, approving a plan for optimal and effective use of the territory of local communities, forming land plots and their use only on the basis of detailed plans, publicizing regional and district territory planning schemes, active involvement of stakeholders for the implementation of effective and perspective plans for the development of the territory.

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