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gastronomic specialty
gastronomic brand

How to Cite

Tserklevych, V., Anna, D., & Dill, M. (2022). NEW GASTRONOMIC SPECIALTIES AS A PRODUCT OF THE "LOCAL FOOD" NICHE RESTAURANT IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURIST DESTINATIONS. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (6), 41-51.


The article is devoted to consideration of the issue of creation of new gastronomic specialties, which is key for the development of gastronomic tourism and gastronomic brands of tourist destinations in Ukraine. An annotated review of the works constituting the philosophical and methodological basis of gastronomic practices is presented; the exceptional role of gastronomic tourism in the development of tourist destinations is substantiated. Based on an empirical study covering the following parameters: 1) dishes and ingredients subject to the classifications adopted in the EU; 2) dishes and ingredients included in the list of objects of intangible cultural heritage of Ukraine; regional lists of intangible cultural heritage elements (Khmelnytskyi region); 3) dishes and ingredients (products) defined as gastrobrands by gastronomic guides and restaurateurs (restaurants of local cuisine), a definition of the terms "gastronomic specialty" and "new gastronomic specialty" and their content were proposed. The results of empirical generalizations regarding typical examples of dishes and products - gastronomic specialties of the regions of Ukraine are presented; typology of "gastronomic tourists" is presented. The local experience of creating new gastronomic specialties as products for the promotion of gastronomic tourism in the "local food" niche restaurant is characterized (on the example of the restaurant business establishment "Restoration Shpigel", Khmelnytskyi). Annotated information about the restaurant establishment "Spiegel's Restaurant" is presented. The information about the ingredients and key ideas of creating new gastronomic specialties by the specialists of "Spiegel's Restaurant" based on such traditional dishes as zhurek, borscht, dumplings, and bread were compiled and summarized. The necessity of systematization and cataloging of information about gastronomic specialties and gastronomic brands developed by restaurants of local cuisine, craft producers of the Podilsk region as a basis for developing the potential of the tourist destination was determined.
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