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tourist activities
sports tourism
Key words: tourist activities, sports tourism, natural resource potential of Ukraine

How to Cite

Yudina, O., Bogorodytska, H., & Bondar, D. S. (2022). MODERN STATE OF DEVELOPMENT OF SPORT TOURISM IN UKRAINE. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (6), 52-57.


Abstract. The article considered the main organizations of sports tourism in Ukraine. International sports tourism is a rather specific but important phenomenon in the life of society. In a broad sense, it is one of the types of active recreation outside the usual environment, which is designed to mobilize the body’s various obstacles, mostly of a natural nature. In a narrower interpretation, sports tourism is considered as a separate type of sport, which involves certain elements of competitiveness, with further consolidation of the obtained achievements, namely the assignment of certain categories and ranks. At the same time, it is not an Olympic sport, although International sports tourism competitions are held periodically. Therefore, the more detailed relevance of this topic will be revealed through the study of all aspects of this type of tourism. The main goal of tourist organizations is to create new jobs and develop tourism in Ukraine. There is a great variety of sports tourist routes in Ukraine. It is not difficult to find the necessary route for your category. Currently, not only hiking tourism is developing in Ukraine, routes are being developed and used for water, cycling, mountain and other types of sports tourism. This indicates a significant demand and demand by society for sports tourism in all its diversity. There is a great variety of sports tourist routes in Ukraine. It is not difficult to find the necessary route for your category. Currently, not only hiking tourism is developing in Ukraine, routes are being developed and used for water, cycling, mountain and other types of sports tourism. This indicates a significant demand and demand by society for sports tourism in all its diversity. Ukraine has great potential in the development of sports tourism. First of all, this is due to the climate of our country.The climate enables the development of all types of sports tourism. Ukraine took the course of developing sports tourism according to the standards of the EU countries. This makes it possible to attract new partners from all over the world. The main factor slowing down the development of tourism in Ukraine is the war unleashed by the aggressor country. But in the post-war period, Ukraine will certainly speed up the process in the development of the tourism industry. This is due to the fact that our country is currently on everyone's ears.
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