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gastronomic tourism
reengineering of tourist sphere

How to Cite

Vasulyuk, S., & Franiv, I. (2022). GASTRONOMIC TOURISM AS A PROSPECTIVE CONCEPT OF REENGINEERING OF THE TOURIST SPHERE. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (6), 58-63.


New trends in tourism indicate that today's experienced travelers seek to increase their personal development and self-fulfillment, choosing such tourist destinations that will provide the most unforgettable experiences. It is determined that the tourism industry should use new strategies to differentiate its tourism offer, reinventing and reengineering its tourism products with an emphasis on the needs, motivation and behavior of tourists. It is proved that the improvement of the tourism sector should take place by reorienting it to gastronomic tourism with a clear map of the redesign. It is substantiated that gastronomy is a unique opportunity to revive and diversify tourism and attract tourists to cities and regions already familiar to them. It is proved that gastronomic tourism is a promising concept of reengineering of tourism. It is determined that the reengineering procedure will allow the analyst to find radical changes in the tourism sector of the region, which will bring an advantage to its competitiveness. The roadmap of reengineering of the tourist sphere of the region with its orientation on the gastronomic aspect is modeled. It is substantiated that for effective and full implementation of the procedure of reengineering of the tourist sphere it is necessary to have a thorough knowledge of the history of the region, local legends, customs and traditional cuisine. It is determined that for the interest of foreign tourists the region should focus on the developed plans for the development of gastronomic tourism with the formation of a product that will be included in the gastronomic map of the country. It is proved that reengineering of the sphere of tourism with an emphasis on the gastronomic aspect is a complex work in many spheres. The reengineering process allows companies to redesign their tourism strategies, focusing primarily on the consumer to get more profitable results. Reengineering processes applied to tourism destinations can develop effective strategies to maintain their competitiveness compared to other tourism destinations.
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Ні в чому собі не відмовляй: скільки грошей витрачає турист у Львові за добу. URL:

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