The article presents the results of a study of the problem of post-war recovery of the tourism sector in the Khmelnytskyi region. The empirical basis of the study is represented by an array of studies of the state of the tourism industry in Ukraine and Khmelnytskyi region, conducted by such authoritative organisations as: The State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, the Centre for Innovation Development, the Office for Entrepreneurship and Export Development, the Advanter Group, and the National Tourism Organisation of Ukraine. The tourist and recreational resources of Khmelnytskyi region are characterised. The main obstacles to the recovery and development of the tourism business both in Ukraine and in the region are identified. It is established that as a result of military operations, damage was done to the environment and cultural heritage of the Khmelnytskyi region. The principles of the post-war recovery of tourism sector in Ukraine and its regions are defined: ensuring sustainable development of the state and its regions based on good management; flexibility and adaptability of approaches to the development of the tourism sector; recovery taking into account environmental standards, energy efficiency and other principles of the smart or creative economy; attentiveness to regional priorities in tourism development; importance of comprehensive territorial planning; balanced integration into the European tourism space. The ways of the post-war recovery of tourism in the Khmelnytskyi region have been identified, namely: conducting marketing activities through mechanisms of public-private partnership; development of new strategies for the promotion of products and services by enterprises of the tourism industry by creating a system of interaction to solve certain strategic tasks, which will make it possible to ensure synergistic relations and strengthen interaction between them; use of information technologies in the development of plans for the post-war development of the tourism industry, which would contribute not only to simplifying and accelerating certain tourism processes, but also to increasing the competitiveness of the industry and sustainable development of the tourism sector; ensuring access to financial resources for tourism enterprises in the region; training and retraining of personnel for tourism enterprises.
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