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tourism sector
tourist services
excursion activity
tourism business
entrepreneurial activity
development promotion
promotion policy tools

How to Cite

Ostrovska, N., & Luhovyi, B. (2024). POLICY INSTRUMENTS FOR PROMOTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE FIELD OF EXCURSION ACTIVITIES IN UKRAINE IN CRISIS CONDITIONS. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (11), 17-23. https://doi.org/10.32782/tourismhospcee-11-2


The full-scale war led to a significant destabilization of the functioning and development of the tourism industry in Ukraine. The article analyzes the issue of re-establishing the tourism industry of the Ukrainian economy in the conditions of a deep crisis. The focus of attention is on the re-establishment and revitalization of excursion activities in tourism as a fairly important element in the system of the tourist complex of the country, its regions, and tourist destinations. It is pointed out that tourism has become the industry that suffered almost the most as a result of the full-scale war, because it led to the loss of the inbound tourism segment and a sharp reduction in the volume of domestic tourism. At the same time, excursion activities can become a significant internal factor in stimulating demand in the domestic tourist market. The purpose of the study is to determine the scientific substantiation of effective and efficient tools and means of the state policy of stimulating the development of entrepreneurship in the field of excursion activities in Ukraine in the conditions of the crisis in the tourism industry. It is argued that the state policy of promoting the development (and often legalization) of business in excursion activities can serve as a powerful factor in the activation of entrepreneurship as such, the development of tourism, as well as the employment of the population, the advancement of rural, remote areas, etc. The tools of the state policy of promoting the development of entrepreneurship in excursion activities in the general system of measures for the re-establishment of the tourism industry in our country have been determined. It has been proven that the re-establishment of excursion activities in a number of territories of Ukraine will be possible already after the war, however, in safer territories, efforts should be made to activate entrepreneurship in this type of economic activity. It was determined that the toolkit of the state policy of promoting the development of entrepreneurship in excursion activity should be oriented towards the solution of two leading tasks: (1) the development of entrepreneurial initiative in tourism and excursion activity; (2) formation of a complete tourist complex, where excursion activities play a system-forming role. It was concluded that the development of entrepreneurship in excursion activities requires proper state support and effective regulation for the purpose of comprehensive and balanced development, implementation of goals and objectives in the functioning system of the tourist complex, and the national economy of the country and its regions.

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