The article examines the main problems of the development of Ukrainian winemaking in wartime conditions. The wine industry is a promising component of the development of industry, restaurant business and tourism. Despite exceptionally favorable soil and climatic conditions for the cultivation of grapes and the production of high-quality wines, there are unfavorable development trends associated with the war: a constant reduction in the area under vineyards, a decrease in the volume of grape processing in some regions of Ukraine, an increase in the purchase price of grapes for processing, reduction of wine production, disruption of logistics. The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of the wine industry in Ukraine during the war. As for the enterprises of the wine industry, the most affected were the enterprises of the Kherson, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Mykolaiv, and Odesa regions. The introduction of hostilities led to the transition of the market to more technological and automated forms of work to replace traditional ones, the creation of small wineries in other regions of Ukraine. The current situation encourages the wine industry to reorient itself to new business formats adapted to existing conditions, taking into account all threats and risks. despite military actions, by the beginning of 2024, 160 wineries were officially registered in Ukraine, of which 40 are craft wineries with a production volume of up to 100,000 liters. per year; the total area of vineyards is 30.2 thousand hectares (without taking into account the occupied territories, since there is no reliable data on the condition of vineyards on these lands); the Black Sea and Transcarpathian zones are the most typical for viticulture and winemaking. Winemaking is actively developing in other regions, in particular in the western, central and northern regions. More than 200 varieties of grapes are grown in Kyiv region, Lviv region, Ternopil region, and Chernihiv region. The article examines the development experience of Ukrainian wineries during the war. The development of the wine industry in certain regions in recent years, as well as the impact of military actions on the quantitative indicators of wine production, were analyzed.
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