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marketing research
hotel and restaurant business
tourism business
reliability of information

How to Cite

Barna, M., Hlinenko, L., & Daynovskyy, Y. (1). MARKETING RESEARCHES IN THE HOTEL-RESTAURANT AND TOURISM INDUSTRY: PROBLEMS AND SHORTCOMINGS. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (1), 5-17.


The article considers the organisation, content and logic of marketing researches in the sphere of hotel-restaurant and tourist business and examines the shortcomings occurring in the process of such researches. The aim of the article is to systematise the mistakes that happen in marketing research for minimising their amount as well as their potential negative impact on entrepreneurial decisions in the future. It is shown that problems in marketing research can arise even when solving relatively simple tasks such as determining the number of institutions operating in the field under study. It is stated that there are certain discrepancies in the data given in various sources, and the reason for such discrepancies can be attributed, in particular, to mixing of different classification groups, vagueness of the criteria for referring a particular institution to a certain category, and arbitrariness of self-positioning of individual establishments. Typical mistakes in marketing research in the field of hotel-restaurant and tourist business are analysed. These mistakes include: interviewing one-time occasional customers as regular ones; treating uncritically the ranges of scales with variants of answers offered to respondents; excessive number of groups into which respondents are divided; failure to consider uniqueness of establishments and polyfactoriality of their choice by consumers; putting more questions than necessary; overestimating the level of respondents' skills in the research subject; failure to take into account the differences in importance of individual factors or criteria; the use of closed-ended questions in situations with multiple possible answers of respondents; combining several questions within one; lack of research focus on specific managerial decisions; setting unachievable goals; unreliability of information upon which decisions are to be based. The dependence of respondents' choice of certain proposed alternatives on the number of these alternatives and the question formulation has been analysed. The importance of compliance with the requirements of the International Code of Marketing and Social Research regarding the clear distinction between the results obtained and the researcher's interpretation of them has been emphasized. The relevance of the requirement to ensure and adequately assess the representativeness of research in the field of tourism and hotel-restaurant business is pointed out. A number of leading catering company websites have been analysed to justify a competitive catering company website "clock", which should contain 12 blocks mandatory to impact on potential customers. It is shown that such a "clock" can be recommended for the websites of all hotel, restaurant and travel companies. It is emphasized that further research would be advisable to focus on regular monitoring of ongoing market researches and summarizing the types of possible errors in order to avoid them in the future.
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