The article is devoted to the development of theoretical, methodological and scientific-practical foundations for managing the socially responsible activities of domestic pharmaceutical companies as the most important condition for improving the quality, efficiency and accessibility of pharmaceutical supply to the population, which becomes especially relevant in the context of the global pandemic, closing state borders and disrupting the business ties of domestic pharmaceutical companies with foreign partners. In addition, the introduction of approaches and tools of socially responsible management in the activities of domestic pharmaceutical companies will contribute to the growth of their investment attractiveness and improvement of business reputation, which will positively affect the increase in their competitiveness in both the domestic and external pharmaceutical markets. Specific characteristics of the existing national model of social responsibility of business, which was formed under the influence of European integration processes taking place today, are determined. It is determined that this model combines the modern world (European, American, Asian) experience in the formation of corporate social responsibility and reflects the conceptual directions of its further development in accordance with the requirements of international standards. It was determined that the Ukrainian model of social responsibility is currently almost completely focused on ensuring the basic level of corporate social responsibility of economic entities, which consists in a clear (mandatory) compliance with the existing national legislation in the field of quality, compliance with tax, environmental, labor legislation, legislation in the field of higher education and health care, but all that is «beyond» this basic level, that is, what is «voluntary», companies implement of their own choice. The main methodological principles of building a conceptual model of social responsibility of the pharmaceutical business in the context of the development of globalization and integration processes and the need to implement the requirements of international standards governing socially responsible activities are justified. It has been proved that the most important methodological principle of building a modern system adapted to international standards of social responsibility of the pharmaceutical business in Ukraine is the understanding of the need for its integration into the system of social responsibility in the country. Foreign and domestic experience of management of social responsibility of pharmaceutical companies has been investigated.
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