Modern challenges and pressures force us to treat health and wellbeing as our greatest commodities. And due to the high demand for this product, health tourism is becoming increasingly important. The structure of the domestic sanatorium-resort base today is represented by a variety of specialized accommodation facilities that offer a wide range of medical and recreational services. The objects of the sanatorium-resort base are represented in two specializations: medicine along with health care and tourist activity. This determines the semantic ambiguity of these enterprises and their structure. The problem of proper audit of the objects for their real assessment due to the ambiguity of statistical information is also determined. During the period of Ukraine's independence, the powerful sanatorium and resort base, which existed in Soviet times, was practically destroyed, which isn’t improved in the conditions of the pandemic restrictions. This is confirmed by the data of the National Tourist Organization of Ukraine, as the volume of domestic tourists decreased by almost 18% in the period of 2011-2019. Poor quality of the official statistics significantly complicates the objective analysis of trends in the development of the sanatorium-resort base of Ukraine. Despite claiming that recreation centers and sanatoriums occupy the largest share of the industry, official statistics fail to mention the huge segment of collective and individual accommodation that offer a variety of relevant health, recreation and leisure services, using natural and climatic conditions and recreational resources. In general, specialized accommodation facilities are unevenly located on the territory of Ukraine, which is logical due to the distribution of appropriate natural and climatic resources. Fostering the development of the industry requires modernization in several financial and managerial areas. Systems of incentive should be created to encourage investment in modernization and construction of facilities offering an affordable health product in compliance with state’s treatment and rehabilitation standards.
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