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tourist activity
tourist enterprise
tourist services
tourist product
functions of tourist enterprise
system of international tourist activity

How to Cite

Mishchuk, I., & Holovata, R. (2021). TOURIST ENTERPRISES OF UKRAINE IN THE SYSTEM OF INTERNATIONAL TOURIST ACTIVITY. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (1), 69-78.


The article considers the theoretical and methodological principles of the study of international tourist activity of the enterprise. The aim of the article is to study and clarify on the basis of critical logical and semantic analysis of the essence of the concepts «tourist activity», «tourist enterprise», disclosure of functions and features of tourist enterprise in globalization conditions and quantitative assessment of development of these enterprises in Ukraine. According to the results of the analysis, the essence and the concept of tourist activity are clarified. Based on statistical materials highlighted the role of international tourism in the country's economy and economic criteria for the development of tourism. The presence of essential contradictions in the approaches of scientists to the definition of the concept of «tourist activity» is revealed, through scientific controversy the author's formulation of this definition is offered. The essence and variety of interpretations by the scientific community of the concept of «market of tourist services», the terms «tourist services» and «tourist product», are considered, given offers on the author's interpretation of the categories «market of tourist services», «tourist service» and systematization of their species diversity. Proposed to interpret the market of tourist services as a sphere of economic relations between producers, intermediaries and consumers of tourist services. The peculiarities of tourist enterprises in comparison with other enterprises in the system of domestic economy are revealed, the functions and peculiarities of the tourist enterprise in the conditions of globalization are generalized. The analysis of the basic approaches to systematization of species diversity of tourist enterprises and typology of functions of separate categories of tourist activity participants is carried out. The objectivity of differentiation of species diversity of functions of travel agents and tour operators, conditioned by the leading position of tour operators in the system «producer of a tourist product-intermediary-consumer» is substantiated. The results of quantitative assessment of the processes of development of tourist enterprises in Ukraine are reflected.
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