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tourism industry
social tourism
world tourism industry
national economy

How to Cite

Rogovyi, A., & Zabashtanskyi, M. (2021). CONCEPTUAL PRINCIPLES OF SOCIAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (1), 79-83.


Generalization of existing conceptual approaches to understanding the essence and importance of social tourism in the development of the national economy has revealed key development trends, identified its structural elements, and deepened the essence of the definition of "social tourism". Recreation at the expense of social expenditures of the state, non-governmental funds, charitable organizations in order to restore productive forces and preserve public health. Scientific approaches to understanding the constituent principles (target orientation, accessibility and timeliness, humanism, systemic and irreversible, economic expediency) and functions (social, economic, cultural) of social tourism are characterized. The conclusion on expediency of activation of processes of development of social tourism in the country and development of the corresponding concept of the state incorporated in national strategy of social and economic development is made.
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