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category manager
pharmaceutical organization
job responsibilities

How to Cite

Sahaidak-Nikitiuk, R., & Barnatovych, S. (2021). RESEARCH OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF CATEGORY MANAGERS OF PHARMACEUTICAL ORGANIZATIONS. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, 1(2), 49-53.


The pharmaceutical market of Ukraine and its features are studied. 10,776 medicines are registered in Ukraine. Pharmaceutical companies of Ukraine produce drugs of almost all dosage forms of all pharmacotherapeutic groups. А characteristic feature of a market economy is the saturation of the pharmaceutical market with a variety of goods. The expediency of introducing the position of a categorical manager has been determined. The place of the category manager in the channel of goods movement is defined. The tasks of the category manager of pharmaceutical organizations are formulated. The task of a category manager is to manage a certain category of goods manager. The professional responsibilities of category managers of pharmaceutical organizations are proposed, divided into general responsibilities, responsibilities in the field of marketing, responsibilities in the field of procurement, responsibilities in the field of assortment, responsibilities in the field of pricing, responsibilities in the field of interactions with subordinates, responsibilities in the field of planning and reporting, responsibilities in the field of analysis of sales effectiveness by category of pharmaceutical products. The rights and responsibilities of a category manager for pharmaceutical organizations are studied and formulated. The category manager is guided by normative materials on the organization of trade; standard of work with suppliers of the pharmaceutical organization; the standard of merchandising of the pharmaceutical organization; standards and technical conditions for storage and transportation of inventory; reporting regulations for category managers of the pharmaceutical organization; methods of analysis of demand and activity of competitors; labor regulations; orders, instructions of the head of the pharmaceutical organization; job description.
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