• I. P. Mishchuk Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • S. О. Lutsko Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • О. A. Stetsyuk Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • І. V. Tereshchenko Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: domestic trade, trade entities, quarantine restrictions, trade technologies, store format, business model, logistics


The article is devoted to the study of the current state of development of domestic trade of Ukraine in the conditions of quarantine restrictions on trade business. It is determined that in the period of 2016-2021 in the internal trade of Ukraine there were contradictory processes of development of retail and wholesale trade and species composition of their subjects in terms of changes in the number, volume and effectiveness of activities. The existence of a direct rela-tionship between the reduction of trade activities of trade entities and the trends identified in the analysis to reduce retail trade on the basis of traditional (offline) sales technologies due to quarantine restrictions on trade for non-food retailers , combined with significant changes in the strategies of retail network companies and changes in customer behavior that have occurred under the influence of quarantine restrictions. The fact of decisive influence of anticovid restrictions on the termination of a number of trade enterprises activities and/or its implementation with unprofitable results is noted. The content of the main trends in the processes of adaptation of trade to the conditions of the post-covid economy, the development of technologies for trade business are described, the results of innovative deepening of the typological diversity of subjects and objects of the trade environment are shown. Emphasis is placed on the key role of digital technologies in the development and implementation in practice of modern business models and formats of trade establishments as well as the development of mobile and e-commerce. The necessity of activating the subjects of wholesale trade to increase the level of organization of trade promotion and trade in specialized commodity markets is substantiated. In conditions of quarantine restrictions emphasis was placed on the need to integrate quarantine re-strictions on trade businesses into integrated regional formations to provide consumers with food on a logistics basis and in compliance with FAO recommendations.


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