The purpose of the article is a scientific substantiation of the theoretical and meaningful characteristics of the potential of the enterprise or organization engaged in services business, which is the basis of their effective man-agement. The article considers the fundamental basis of formalization of the mechanism of formation and use of man-agement tools. In the study, the emphasis on potential is made from the energetic point of view, when the resource com-ponent of the potential, along with the production and economic components, are converted into kinetic energy due to the managerial component of the potential. The article draws attention to the fact that it is the managerial component that drives all the other components of full potential through a particular mechanism. Its generalized model is an inter-connected set of resource, production and economic components that, through the managerial component, turn hidden potential possibilities into desired results. The structural-hierarchical construction of such a model is graphically de-picted. Further research should be aimed at designing the management system of the proposed model, search and use of external environmental resources that could be successfully used for running the hotel and restaurant business. Herewith the use of an operational approach to building a management system deserves attention. It provides an op-portunity to systematize knowledge of management theory and develop algorithms for practical managerial activities of tourism&hotel enterprises.
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