Modern business conditions are characterized by uncertainty, rapid change and the need to develop in a dynamic and turbulent environment. The relevance of the article is due to the need to study technologies and tools of strategic analysis in terms of modernity, as well as the unstable economic situation in Ukraine and uncertainty in the world. In this regard, this article aims to identify the main benefits of strategic analysis, describing the information factors of achieving effective business, disclosing the prerequisites for qualitative strategic analysis, analysis of strate-gic analysis methods to identify the most effective, as well as guidance example of strategic analysis using the TOWS matrix. This study of modern technologies and tools of strategic analysis is theoretical in nature and is based on a number of empirical studies, the results of which are presented in the section "Presentation of the main material of the study". The following research methods were used in writing this article: systematic and logical analysis, comparison method, deduction, classification and content analysis method. The article presents the results of the analysis, identifies the main benefits of strategic analysis, describes the information factors for achieving effective business, reveals the prerequisites for qualitative strategic analysis, analyzes the methods of strategic analysis and identifies the most effec-tive, gives an example of strategic analysis using TOWS matrix. The materials of the article are of practical value for teachers and students of economic faculties and specialties of business management, analysts, executives and managers of companies. In the future, it is recommended to conduct an experimental longitudinal study of this hypothesis with the involvement of professional business analysts as well as test and control groups of companies.
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