Keywords: tourism, innovation, digitalization, information technology, pandemic COVID-19


The main trends of tourism development in the digital economy are considered in the article. The tourism industry is developing quite rapidly and must meet modern challenges. Under such conditions, much attention should be paid to the use of innovative technologies and the introduction of elements of digitalization in the tourism industry. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the use of digital technologies in the activities of tourism enterprises. It is noted that information technologies will help attract as many customers as possible, the maximum number of sales, gaining the trust of consumers of travel services, as well as the formation of a positive image of the company. The main directions and tools of digitalization of tourist business are investigated. Trends of digitalization in the field of tourism are noted, namely: application of new technological solutions, use of dynamic packaging systems in real-time, new booking services, online services for direct sale to tourists of certain services, and tour packages with the possibility of independent tour design, hotel management systems, Big Data-based solutions for demand forecasting and pricing management. Promising information and technological innovations for the development of the tourism industry during the pandemic COVID-19 are outlined. It is concluded that after removing most of the restrictions, companies operating in the field of tourism will invest in certain IT solutions that can help scale the business and implement security measures based on feedback from potential customers.


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