Keywords: investment potential, insurance, insurance companies, insurers, assets, insurance reserves


The article considers the essence of the investment potential of the insurance sector of the country and identifies the sources of its formation. Slow growth rates of total assets of domestic insurance companies and insurance premiums attracted by them are noted, which limits the opportunities for investment activities. Based on a study of the main indicators of insurance activity in Ukraine in 2013-2020, it was noted that life insurance companies have a more active influence on the processes of increasing the investment potential of the insurance sector at the expense of the attracted premiums and formed insurance reserves. A study of the structure of the investment portfolio of domestic insurers revealed their interest increase in investing in government securities. Measures to accelerate the process of building the investment potential of the country's insurance sector are proposed. Among them: more active development of long-term types of insurance, reduction of reinsurance volume, development of effective investment strategies using risk mitigation mechanisms. At the state level, it is proposed to implement measures of institutional, economic and organizational-legal nature that will promote the development of accumulative types of insurance, more active involvement of employers and employees in life insurance mechanisms. Particular measures are also important to expand the investment opportunities of insurers to choose the objects of investment, including abroad.


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