• V. A. Panchenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after V. Vynnychenko
  • O. P. Panchenko Kirovograd Cooperative Professional College of Economics and Law named after M.P. Say. Kropyvnytskyi
Keywords: organizational structure, personnel management, enterprise, management, innovations


In the theory and practice of personnel management, the specifics of organizational design, especially for manufacturing enterprises, remain insufficiently thoroughly disclosed. It is assumed that the use of a matrix organizational structure of management in the implementation of innovations can solve the problems of bureaucracy, indiscipline, irrational organization of labor, while reducing the financial costs of personnel management. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the improvement of personnel management system by creating a matrix organizational structure of management in the implementation of innovations. In order for a business to operate efficiently, coherently and systematically, it needs a planning structure that meets the purpose, objectives, style, size and commercial operations of the enterprise. It is substantiated that the organizational structure of enterprise management is at the same time: a system of elements to achieve specific business goals; social object of leadership; form of interaction of all elements (links, levels) of management. It is substantiated that innovations are newly created or improved competitive technologies, products or services that significantly improve the structure and quality of production processes, the social sphere of the enterprise. It is determined that managers can implement various improvements, innovations, modernize the personnel management system, redistribute resources, expand and consolidate various departments, which requires a qualitative change in the organizational structure. It is determined that the matrix organizational structure of the production enterprise must correspond to the program-target nature of the project economic activity. The project is built and the advantages and disadvantages of using the matrix organizational structure of enterprise management in the implementation of innovations are identified. It is proved that the matrix organizational structure for a manufacturing enterprise can be effectively used in conditions of high level of uncertainty and dynamism of the market environment in the implementation of innovations. This will identify changes in goals and objectives, develop a new business strategy, achieve a low level of structured problems, motivate employees in the design of works. The organizational structure of enterprise management is a social and production system consisting of levels and management bodies, subordinate working elements (departments, shops, services, structural units) and their relationship, which ensure the implementation of strategic goals of the enterprise. According to the results of the study, it can be argued that the matrix organizational structure of management meets the basic requirements for the implementation of innovative projects throughout the enterprise and is aimed at business development. At the same time, vertical, functional specialization and project-target integration of all employees and managers of the enterprise are achieved at the same time, which leads to a reduction in the number of errors in personnel management. Prospects for further research may be the substantiation and design of the organizational structure of the department of economic security of an innovative enterprise.


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