Keywords: asset, exchange, derivatives, contract, option, call, pool, market, spot, strike, trigger, deal, financial in-struments, hedge


The main features of option contracts as widespread and relatively new instruments in the global and Ukrainian financial derivatives markets are considered in the article. Particular attention is paid to the possibilities of using options and option contracts in almost domestic financial institutions. The research is based on the foreign expe-rience of the world's leading countries, where the considered financial instruments play a significant role in the process of insuring financial and currency risks. It is proved that the derivative financial instrument option, as an economic phenomenon involves the consensus of interests of the parties to the agreement based on the asymmetry of their rights and obligations. Of particular interest is the classification of options developed by the author on the basis of literature sources and his own research. Based on the analysis of the characteristic features of option agreements, the option of setting price limits for call options was considered. It is noted that a distinctive feature of barrier options is the pres-ence of an additional parameter – the trigger, which determines the presence or absence of rights to exercise the agreement. An analysis of the special literature revealed that in order to effectively use medium options, it is necessary to have maximum information about past and current market conditions. It is emphasized that the option is one of the most utilized financial instruments for hedging and a set of its modifications is singled out. In the process of research-ing operations with interest rate options revealed a number of patterns and inverse relationships between rates of return and prices for debt securities. Further research should be focused on developing strategic directions for the development of the financial derivatives market, in particular, expanding the tools of the futures market and strengthen-ing regulatory framework.


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