At the present stage of Ukraine's development, the most pressing tasks include public involvement in the decision-making process and, as a result, the efficiency and transparency of state authorities. Modern legislation of Ukraine provides certain opportunities for interaction between state authorities and the public, but the technologies and methods of this interaction still need to be implemented and improved. The article investigates the basic theoretical and methodological principles of interaction between state authorities and local governments with the public as well as the current situation in Ukraine in terms of public involvement in the decision-making process. A brief historical over-view of the formation and development of theories of governance of society and the country is done. The article propos-es defining directions and mechanisms to increase the effectiveness of interaction between state authorities of Ukraine and the public. Democracy is defined as a necessary condition for effective interaction between state authorities and the public. To increase the efficiency of the process of interaction between the government and the public in Ukraine, the following measures should be taken: create a legal basis for public participation in government decision-making, espe-cially central government, introduce and use new modern forms of interaction with the public, conduct legal education that is necessary for effective public participation in the state affairs management. It is concluded that public involve-ment in state administration and local self-government, in the decision-making process in general is the key to success in achieving the main goal - building a strong democracy in the country.
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