Keywords: foreign investments, investment resources, financial globalization, foreign direct investments, export activity


The article is focused on the analysis of characteristics, problems and prospects of attracting and appli-cation of foreign investments in the economy of Ukraine. The importance of ensuring its positive impact on the export activities of domestic businesses is primarily considered. The peculiarities of the international investment market func-tioning in the conditions of globalization in the sphere of finance are presented. The role of transnational companies at the current stage of development of the international finance system is outlined. It is emphasized that direct foreign investments are one of the most desirable forms of long-term investments for our country. This results from its contribu-tion to the implementation of powerful ambitious and large projects of industrial, technological and marketing purpos-es, which collectively determines the country's export opportunities in world markets. An analysis of the dynamics, geo-graphical and sectoral structure of foreign direct investments in Ukraine is conducted. It was found that the largest foreign investors in our country are representatives of a small number of countries; the group of offshore investments is clearly traced in foreign capital; the sectoral structure of investments is dominated by areas focused on rapid payback and low technological effectiveness. The main problems in the development of export activity along with the modern factors that determined the processes of export activity of Ukraine in 2020 are considered. An econometric model of Ukraine's exports of goods and services dependence on foreign direct investments on the basis of current statistics for 2004-2020 is created. The study found that the impact of foreign direct investments on the development of Ukraine's export potential has already begun to manifest in domestic economy. At the same time, the need to further attract for-eign investments into the economy of our country was emphasized. It is due to the priority of structural adjustment of the domestic industrial complex, enhancement of the country's export potential and implementation of strategies for overcoming the economy's dependence on energy imports.


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